
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Another Day, Another Diet

Today Teagun is weighing in at a svelte 9 lbs 4.5 oz. Not quite the gain I was hoping for 3 weeks into our diet. He also continues to be spitting up, although, thankfully, not as much, his poops remain full of mucous, and he continues to have a persistant rash on his face, all leading me to believe I'm still eating one or more foods that are continuing to cause him problems. As I'm sure you can all understand, I'm anxious to remove all offending foods ASAP.

Toward that end, I've decided to go TED. For those of you not in the allergy community, that's Total Elimination Diet. I pick a few, generally considered low-allergenic foods and eat only those foods for ~2 weeks, during which time, Teagun will hopefully reach baseline. That is, hopefully we'll have removed all offending foods, his symptoms will resolve and he can start healing. At that point we can slowly reintroduce foods, watching for the reoccurance of symptoms.

My TED currently consists of turkey, zucchini, potatoes, rice, olive oil and grapes. Not a whole lot to work with ;-). I think I've decided to try and maintain my blog regardless. The only part that will definitely be missing for the immediate future is the shopping list with stores and prices, since I won't be actually buying all the stuff. We'll see how it goes.

On the plus side, Teagun's ultrasound went well today. Mechanically, things seem to be functioning properly. Off to the Pedi GI tomorrow to discuss the other possible issues. Wish us luck! :-D

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